In this teaching, learn about why voting is biblical, and why it's important for our experience of life here in this nation. Although the word of God will spread regardless of who is put in power, if we want to see more peace in this nation, voting is important.
In this teaching you'll learn about how to better understand Jesus' teaching in John 6, to clear up some common confusions therein, as well as learn how to take communion, as a Christian, biblically. You'll learn that communion should happen daily, not occasionally!
From this teaching you'll learn what translation of the Bible you should read. You'll realize that picking a translation isn't complicated, and you don't have to worry, in most cases, about one certain translation misleading you. For the full video experience find us on YouTube (@BibleACTS)!
In this teaching, learn about where the tithe comes from, whether it applies to Christians today, and what the best practices are for Christians who want to be generous. We'll dig into 2 Corinthians 9, Romans 15, and 1 Timothy 5 to learn about this. For the full video experience find us on YouTube (
The Bible answers this question simply, and it's based upon God's equal treatment of all people. God shows no partiality, and that means that everyone is given an equal chance to understand the truth. Learn how with this teaching. For the full video experience find us on YouTube (@BibleACTS).
In this teaching you'll learn about what it means that Enoch was taken to heaven before he died, and most importantly how that story applies to us today. You'll learn about the importance of faith, obedience, and intimacy with God. Check it out! For the full video experience, find us on youtube (@B
In this teaching we'll examine a few passages of scripture that teach us about the difference between drinking and drunkenness, and how to apply them to our lives today. By the end, you'll be able to make an informed decision for yourself, whether you can drink or not. For the full video experience
In this teaching learn what the Bible says about falling away from the faith and the dangers of turning back to sin. You'll learn to be careful to avoid sin and to watch out for your fellow believers. Although the term, "lose salvation", does not appear in scripture, "falling away" or "departing fro
In this teaching, learn how to get a great start following Jesus whether you are a new believer or a believer looking to be refreshed or reignited in the faith! You'll learn about great places to begin reading in the Word, as well as important understandings to have as you continually grow in Christ
In this video you'll learn whether a Christian can be possessed by a demon or not. You'll learn about the effects of possessing the Holy Spirit, as a believer, and what that means for how a believer can be influenced by a demon. You'll also learn how Christians are commonly deceived by demons and wh
In this teaching you'll learn that it's actually an oxymoron to ask whether we are saved by faith or works. We're asking the wrong question. What matters is the kind of works we're doing and the attitude that we have when we do our works. Faith must have works, and these works are valuable, but ther
Are you asking yourself, "How can I know that I'm saved?" In this video, you'll learn what the Bible says about the signs that you are truly saved and belong to Christ. You'll learn key details about true repentance and belief, as well as the fruit of the Spirit, so you can have confidence in your s
Is the Bible reliable? Can you trust the authors? In this teaching you'll learn three reasons why you can trust the Bible, and focused on the words of Jesus in the Four Gospels. Use this answer to equip yourself to give the same answer to those who are you about why you believe in the Bible! Find ou