Psalm 3-4

Written on 05/09/2024

These Psalms correspond to 2 Samuel 15-17



  • At this time, David is referring to the betrayal of his own son, Absalom, who was trying to usurp his throne. Absalom had won over the hearts of many in Israel and turned them against David.

  • Verses 1-2. There are going to be times when it feels like many are against us; and in these times it will be tempting to feel like there's no hope.

    • Verses 3-4. When these times comes, remember that God is a shield for you

      • Ephesians 6:16 says that our shield is our faith in God

      • Pray to God always! This will strengthen your faith (Jude 20) and shield your mind from fear or hopelessness. Then you will be able to lift your head—a relief from distress.


3:5-8, 4:1,8

  • Verse 5. Pray and center your mind on God before you go to bed; this will help you sleep peacefully.

  • Remember that God is the one who keeps you alive and safe. 

  • Verse 6-7. Grow in praying to God always, and you will overcome fear, no matter how much of the world seems to be against you.

    • God has defeated many enemies in the past. Let this remind you that He will do the same today. 

  • Verse 8. God is the one who saves, not anything or anyone else. Look to Him for solutions in times of distress. Look to Him through prayer.



  • It can be hard to understand why certain sinners continue to do evil. It's especially hard when they mock you for your faith.

    • But be comforted in knowing that, as a believer, you are special to God. Remember that it is special that He hears you when you pray. God does not hear the prayers of the wicked (Proverbs 15:29, John 9:31). 







  • In times where you are frustrated with sin in the world, it's okay to be angry, if you channel it into prayer; but don't let that anger continue for long (Ephesians 4:26).

  • It's important to quiet your mind. To do this, in addition to prayer, practice sitting still and silencing your thoughts.

    • Try listening for the voice of the Spirit from your heart/conscience. This is what is meant by “communing with your own heart” (KJV).



  • Continue to sacrifice what the flesh wants by doing what is right. This builds your trust in God.

  • Remember that you have God's grace and favor because you're a believer

    • This will give you joy and peace that's better than any joy from earthly wealth.