The Kingdom of Heaven
The Kingdom of Heaven represents both God's all-powerful rule over all of creation Psalm 103:19, and it is an existence wherein creatures can live and enjoy relationship with God Revelation 21:3, Matthew 25:21,34.
God's kingdom includes the place of heaven that a person can be 2 Peter 1:4, Revelation 21:2.
God's kingdom also includes the laws/principles by which He governs His creation James 2:12, Romans 14:17. When Jesus spoke of God's kingdom during His ministry, He often spoke of how persons in the kingdom operate--how they think, how they live, etc. Keep this in mind.
Every member of creation is either part of God's kingdom as a legal citizen, or outside of God's kingdom. Those who are obedient to God—all believers in Jesus—are in God's kingdom as legal citizens of heaven Philippians 3:20.
The disobedient—unbelievers—are “outside” of God's kingdom Revelation 22:14-15 as an enemy of God and a citizen of the kingdom of darkness Colossians 1:13,21, Ephesians 2:19. The disobedient will one day be removed or thrust out, some cast into outer darkness and some into the lake of fire Matthew 8:11-12, Matthew 13:41-42, Luke 13:28.
Eventually, God's kingdom of heaven will come to earth, and this world will be merged with heaven, and submitted to it. The two will become one harmonious kingdom Revelation 11:15.
Today's Action
How could you challenge yourself to share your faith with someone, and to do so with the greater clarity you now have about God's kingdom?