Verses 1-5
“He called them gods to whom the word of God came,” Jesus said (John 10:35). All of us stand in some sphere of authority or leadership influence over someone else, and that gives us a certain measure of “might”.
As believers especially, we are “gods” in the sense that we represent the one true God, and that gives us influence over others, which we can use for good or for evil (this does not mean that we are divine; there is only one God).
Representing God well allows us to bring others closer to God, but misrepresenting Him causes others to fall further from Him.
This makes us responsible to use our influence to serve others with love and integrity—to do what is good and right for others, and ultimately to work to free people from the bondage of sin and wickedness (verses 3-4).
Help those who are hurting! Start by paying attention to the people around you, and if you feel compassion for someone, or a desire to help them, take action!
Verse 5. Leaders are often lacking knowledge and understanding, but the general population also lives in darkness, deprived of knowledge and understanding. So we read, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
As a person of influence, seek knowledge and understanding from God's Word, and this will allow you to bring light to others, freeing them from the enemy's influence (2 Corinthians 4:1-6).
Verses 6-8
As God's creation, angels and humans are children of God. What an honor to be created by God! But as loved as we are by God, we can choose to rebel, die, and be condemned.
Honor God for creating you so “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14), and use your life to serve others!