
Written on 12/04/2024


Welcome to this study of humility through the example of Jesus Christ. The BibleACTS Growth Point Study Bibles are designed to guide you in renewing your mind and strengthening your character to make you more Christlike. This volume focuses on humility, a foundational quality that helps you overcome pride and self-centeredness, enabling you to live a life of selfless service and Christlike love.

In this study, you will journey through the Gospel of Matthew, where you’ll see humility modeled in the life and teachings of Jesus. From His willingness to serve others to His bold yet humble corrections, you’ll uncover how true humility requires action. This includes giving and receiving correction, prioritizing the needs of others above your own, and sacrificing personal preferences for the sake of God’s Kingdom and the benefit of those around you.

By reflecting on Jesus’ example, this devotional will challenge you to:

  • Recognize and address pride and self-centeredness in your thoughts, words, and actions.
  • Embrace correction with grace, acknowledging it as an opportunity for growth.
  • Serve others with humility, whether through small acts of kindness, thoughtful words, or intentional sacrifices of your time and resources.

How to Use This Devotional / Study Bible

To get the most from this study, consider the following:

  1. Daily Reading: Aim to read one or two chapters per day. Spend time in both the Scripture text and the commentary provided, reflecting deeply on Jesus’ example of humility.
  2. Meditate on Key Lessons: Pause to consider how Jesus demonstrated humility in His interactions, teachings, and ultimate sacrifice. Reflect on how these lessons apply to your relationships and daily decisions.
  3. Take Notes: Keep a journal to record your insights, thoughts, and prayers. Write down how God is calling you to practice humility in specific areas of your life.
  4. Pray for Growth: Begin each session with prayer, asking God to shape your heart and mind to reflect Christlike humility.

The Promise of Growth / Defining Humility in Action

This study isn’t just about gaining knowledge—it’s about transformation. As you engage consistently with these devotionals, God will renew your mind (Romans 12:2), helping you to let go of pride and self-centeredness and embrace the freedom and joy of humble living.

  • Humility as Correction: Jesus taught and accepted correction with grace and truth, modeling a humility that is willing to give and receive guidance for the sake of righteousness.
  • Humility as Service: True humility seeks to serve others, not for personal recognition but for their benefit. Jesus demonstrated this through His ministry, meeting needs through thought, word, and action.
  • Humility as Sacrifice: The ultimate act of humility is surrendering personal preferences and comforts for the good of others. Jesus’ life and death exemplify this, showing us how to live with selflessness for the sake of God’s Kingdom.

As you read, pay attention to how Jesus served others with humility while staying aligned with the will of the Father. His example will inspire you to embrace correction, serve selflessly, and sacrifice with joy, leading you to a deeper understanding of what it means to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).